Elijah is tired.
He slaughtered four hundred and fifty prophets of baal but the cancer of idolatry wasn’t just with the prophets. The culture was infested and its strong hold remained in the palace.
Elijah may be representing God, but the power brokers in his world now have a bounty on his head.
Hopelessness is a precursor to desperation and distorted perception often leads to hopelessness.
When the chips were down, Elijah could only see the warrant out for him by the queen of the Kingdom and the God who remained silent while he was on the run.
Gone was the memory of the God who had sent fire to consume the sacrifice, the wood, the stones, the soil and the gallons of water poured to prove a point.
One chapter later, Elijah’s confidence is beyond shaken.
Elijah is fed up.
It happens to people every day. People you wouldn’t expect, people you think are okay, people who look the part and smile, all the while bleeding on the inside.
How did God intervene?
He rolled out the bigger blueprint. God altered the perception of his prophet and showed him the real picture. Elijah thought he was all alone in his devotion to God. That was not true.
Among the seeming epidemic of idolatry raging in Israel, God had kept a reserve. Seven thousand had remained pure and untouched. Seven thousand held Yahweh in reverence and despised all things Baal.
God knew Elijah’s next steps.
He had lined up men – men who had influence or were going to have influence- men who would fight to make God the centre of worship in Israel.
Hazael, Jehu and Elisha were a part of God’s plan that Elijah had no idea about. God showed him -with these names- that contrary to what Elijah thought, he wasn’t at a dead end. After he got the plan, the previously dejected prophet had the courage to go right back into the same community that was littered with his wanted posters. He could go on because he knew what to do and he now knew that God had a bigger plan.
Maybe Elijah in his frustration sounds a lot like you.
Maybe you call ditto on his emotions after Jezebel threatened him.
Maybe you defeated a boatload of enemies and a new boatload has come up.
Maybe you thought this was going to be your season and it turns out it isn’t.
Maybe you expected a breakthrough and it still hasn’t come.
Maybe you’re just too tired after what seems like an endless battle.
You’re tempted to give in to desperation.
Guess what?
You don’t know everything.
You don’t know who God has lined up and trust me; He’s always got someone lined up.
You don’t know you’re supported.
That unpopular stance of yours? Someone has also taken it.
That ridiculous faith you have? Someone else has it.
God has all your bases covered and just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
There’s more to the situation than you see and it is good. You have a force on your side which is stronger than you could ever know.
Even though you can’t see how you’ll make it through tomorrow, God has tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and next decade covered.
The angel with the meal was to give Elijah comfort and renewed strength. The information from the almighty was to give him new purpose in a seemingly bleak circumstance.
Don’t be fooled, God always has new information about where you are. He might show it to you through the scriptures, through an off chance encounter or maybe through something else you come across that grabs you by the throat and smacks you in the face.
Don’t give up.
Your maze has a way out and God will show up and show it.
That’s a good reason to say Amen!