Let’s be honest.

There are a few things in life that feel as good as the favor of your father.

When you know that the Man God put in your life likes you, you’re set to win in more ways than one.

The voice that came from the heavens when Jesus was baptised was not just a rite of passage. It was a template for how God sees us.

This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.

Grooms are well pleased in their brides.

Mothers are well pleased with their babies.

Countries are well pleased with their heroes.

God is well pleased with his children.

Now I know what you’re thinking.  

That was Jesus.

Jesus was sinless, Jesus deserved God’s favor. I’m nowhere near as clean as Jesus was.

That’s right, but he is pleased with you anyway. How do I know that? His own words, “while we were sinners he gave himself for us.”

Did you see that?

Not when we got clean.

Not when we had it figured out.

Not when we were out of our mess.

He gave himself for us.

You don’t do that for someone you don’t like.

In today’s world, the word love has been overused to the point that it’s almost lost its meaning. What someone calls love may mean something totally different from what another person terms it. Truthfully, I’m starting to prefer the word like a lot more. You know why?  When I’m around people who like me, I can tell.

They smile. They hate to see me go and they just go out of their way to be nice and good to me even if they don’t say it out loud.

On the other hand, I’ve listened to people say they love me who turned around and treated me despicably.

You know what’s awesome?

God likes you.

When you walk into a room, His face lights up.

When you’re hurt, He feels it. When you’re confused, He stays close.  And when you were destined for death He sent His son to intercept your journey.

Yes He knows you’re not perfect. He may even know that you’re not fully surrendered, but He likes you. A lot.

It takes a lot of liking to make the kind of sacrifice He made and He would have made it, had you been the only one alive.

It’s knowledge few of us have. After all, approval is something we often fight to get ─ even God’s. We believe things will go well for us if the creator likes us (duh!).

We know we can face the challenges of life if we’re in his good books – and we can.

He’s working to get the stuff we’re not crazy about out of us, but don’t ever get it twisted.

You are His child in whom He is well pleased.

Chew on that.