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Divine Justice

Cunning was his trademark.

Shrewd was part of his DNA.

This was a man who could circumvent the law without showing his hand.

And this was the person God allowed Jacob to shelter with.

Shady was an accurate descriptive of Laban even before he became a main character in Jacob’s story. When we first meet him, his sister Rebecca has been betrothed to Isaac, but Laban wants to delay her trip to her new family for his own reasons1.

Fast forward a few decades and Jacob deceives his brother and seeks refuge with his mother’s family2.

Laban didn’t see it coming, but he certainly wasn’t going to waste his ability to milk everything he could from the strapping young man who stood before him.

At first, the deal was for Jacob to work seven years. By the time Jacob knew what he had signed up for, he was indentured for another seven years and saddled with two wives – one of whom he didn’t even want. Then he realized he was working for nothing and even as Laban amassed wealth at his expense, Jacob realized he was in a no-win contract.

Unfortunately for Laban, he didn’t anticipate God intervening to deliver Jacob out of his hand. Using technology no one at the time understood, Laban ended up with the weak flock and Jacob ended up with the good stock3.

And then his attitude changed. The one who had wronged Jacob felt as though he was the one wronged and his solution was to take it out on his son in-law4

Still, God wasn’t far from this grandson of Abraham who was destined to be the nation God had promised two generations ago.

I wish I could tell you there are no more Labans around, but there are.

They look like family, but their behaviour is anything but.

By the time Jacob was done with Laban, he had been cheated ten times5.

Biblically, ten is the number of completion.

Laban was the complete cheat

But Jacob was never left alone. Even when his uncle sought to defraud him of his rightfully earned wages. Jacob maintained his integrity and came out ahead.

We are never alone

Even when the attacks come from within

Even when we don’t have the resources to fight the other side.

When God takes your side, your Labans won’t have a chance.

Keep your head up.


1Gen 24 v 55

2Gen 29 v 13-14

3Gen 30 v 37 -43

4Gen 31 v 2


Have you ever been subjected to the unfair?

Let me know. Comment below.