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The Blessing

It bleeds, it leads.

In today’s world, fewer statements are true.

Don’t believe me? Turn on the news.

You no longer need a background in journalism to think there is a deliberate effort to induce fear and panic by most media outlets.

Finding good news these days is akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

Worse than traditional media are the bombardments of evil we can instantly access through our ever present phones.

Such an environment begs the question. Is God really good?

We ask because we see so much evil happening to good people.

The logical Christian mind assumes we’re protected by God. Based on what we see in the news, our assumptions can easily be challenged.

With everything happening around us, is it possible that the devil can overrule God when it comes to what happens in our lives?

I have to tell you. That’s a scary idea.

If God’s blessings are so easily overturned by evil, how do we stand a chance at keeping faith in one we’re not sure is Almighty?

Enter the Bible with a story written millennia ago which remains apt for today’s question.

His was probably the most powerful tongue of his day (1).

Forget prophets or sorcerers, when this man made a prediction, you could take it to the bank.

That’s a formidable power for any human and one Balaam took full advantage of.

In a world of mercenaries for hire, His skill set was far more lethal and the Kings of the day sought his help against their enemies.

Help which he was happy to offer at the right fee.

Balaam’s downfall began when he took a contract out to destroy the wrong people.

They were not the wrong group because they were a perfect group or because they had extraordinarily redeeming traits.

They were the wrong group because they had a covenant with the Almighty God.

A covenant that could not be broken by words or actions, regardless of the source.

After a stint with a talking donkey( Another story for another day), Balaam made one of the greatest confessions of all time.

God has blessed them and I CANNOT change it (2).

Go over the sentence again. In fact go over it as many times as you need, to have this truth sink into your soul.

We’re in the 21st century and Israel is no longer wondering in the desert; but you may be.

Pandemics and recessions are top of the list of reasons we look around and wonder what’s coming next.

The first century God is still God of this century, and because of the cross, we are in a covenant with Him that no one can break.

Like Israel, we may have our stints in the desert.

Like Israel, we may have our share of trouble and inconveniences and like Israel, the blessing God has put on our lives cannot be revoked.

Regardless of what the news reel says, you’re not at the mercy of evil.

What Balaam confessed, Jesus reiterated saying, the ones God has given me, no one is able to snatch out of my Father’s hands (3) .

That’s you by the way.

You’re in strong hands.

Hands that cover you whether or not you feel like it.

You’ll be alright.

1- Numbers 22 v 6
2- Numbers 23 v 20
3- John 10 v 29